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Global Education Service Agency (GESA) has a range of innovative consulting services to meet the unique needs of educational institutions. Whether you are launching a new school, expanding an existing one, or pursuing strategic improvements, accreditation or re-accreditation, GESA is a trusted partner for success. Our twelve years of supporting schools in Asia, the MENA region, and Latin America have honed our expertise in navigating diverse educational landscapes. With a proven track record of transforming educational institutions, GESA is your trusted partner in shaping the future of education. Together, we can unlock your school's full potential, providing your students with a world-class education and a brighter future. 


Schools are our mission: We elevate your institution to new heights by unlocking excellence. With a wealth of experience in the field, we bring you a menu of strategic supports and services designed to transform your vision into reality. 


Our Services Include: 

  • School Expansion and Launch Support: Seamlessly integrate new grade levels and new programs, optimize infrastructure, and establish essential centers for academic success. 

  • Build a Global Network: Forge valuable connections with universities and enhance global awareness programs to enrich your students' education. 

  • Building and Marketing: Strengthen your institution's brand and reach a wider audience with effective marketing strategies. 

  • Flagship CLIMB Leadership Institute: Infuse leadership principles and a challenging curriculum into your educational offerings, shaping students into adaptable and innovative leaders. 

  • Architectural, Space Usage, and Operational Planning: Expert guidance in financial planning, school design, and operational efficiency to support your educational philosophy. 

  • Staffing, Planning, and Professional Development Programs: Optimize your staff resources, provide training in innovative teaching methods, and ensure continuous professional growth. 

  • Co-curricular and Extracurricular Program Design: Develop comprehensive programs that enhance the student experience beyond academics. 


Our Collaborative Approach: 

  • We work closely with architects to design physical spaces that align with your educational philosophy. From classrooms to communal areas, we ensure that every aspect of your school's design promotes a conducive learning environment. 

  • Our team, in collaboration with engineers, optimizes space usage to make the most of your available resources. We focus on creating flexible, multi-functional areas that cater to various learning activities and support your school's unique vision. 

  • GESA's expertise extends beyond aesthetics. We consider the operational aspects of your school's design, streamlining processes and ensuring cost-effectiveness. Our goal is to create spaces that look exceptional and function seamlessly. 


Elevating the Learning Experience: At GESA, we understand that the physical environment is crucial in shaping the student experience. Our collaborative approach ensures that your school's spaces meet practical needs and contribute to a holistic and enriching educational journey. 


Tailored Solutions for Your Success: We recognize that every educational institution has its unique requirements and goals. GESA tailors its consulting services to align with your specific vision.



The following core service areas covered by Global Education Service Agency (GESA) is how we assist educational institutions in their journey towards accreditation. Our focus is on working with schools to build sustainable quality that is reflected in school performance and validated by international accrediting agencies through an accreditation engagement review. While the list below is not exhaustive, it provides a solid overview of how we serve schools.

1. Understanding Accreditation Requirements
Accreditation is the hallmark of educational quality, reflecting an institution's commitment to upholding rigorous standards. At GESA, we believe that comprehending the nuances of accreditation requirements is a fundamental starting point. Accreditation standards vary depending on the type of accreditation and the type of institution, but they all share common principles: academic integrity, quality assurance, and continuous improvement.

GESA collaborates closely with institutions to ensure they not only recognize the accrediting bodies relevant to their type of institution but also have a deep understanding of the standards they need to meet. This understanding includes the examination of specific criteria set by accrediting agencies, which often encompass areas such as faculty qualifications, student support services, infrastructure, and financial stability. By demystifying the requirements and providing institutions with clear guidance, GESA empowers them to undertake a proactive approach towards accreditation compliance.

2. Documentation and Self-Studies (Action Research)
Accreditation agencies require institutions to provide extensive documentation as evidence of their compliance with established standards. This documentation often takes the form of self-studies or action research. GESA takes a hands-on approach to assist institutions in creating comprehensive self-studies that encompass all aspects of their operations.

Self-studies at GESA are not merely a checklist of compliance; they are deeply rooted in action research principles. This means that
institutions don't just compile data for documentation's sake; they engage in a process of ongoing inquiry, data collection, analysis, and reflection. The goal is to generate a wealth of evidence that not only satisfies accrediting bodies but also informs strategic decisions for institutional improvement. The self-study process is seen as a unique opportunity to identify strengths and areas in need of growth.

The self-study process often involves collaborative data collection
and analysis among faculty, administrators, and students. GESA encourages institutions to solicit input from multiple stakeholders, fostering a sense of ownership in the accreditation process. This approach, in turn, promotes transparency and an institutional

culture of continuous improvement.

3. Curriculum Alignment
Curriculum alignment is a critical aspect of accreditation, ensuring that an institution's educational programs are harmoniously integrated with its mission and goals. GESA understands that curriculum alignment goes beyond just ensuring that courses and programs meet minimum requirements; it is about creating a cohesive and purposeful educational experience.

GESA works closely with institutions to undertake a comprehensive review of their curriculum. This involves not only evaluating the content of courses but also the methods of delivery, assessment strategies, and the overarching educational philosophy. We advocate for a multidimensional approach that considers not just the curriculum's content but also the incorporation of the latest pedagogical innovations and the assessment of student learning outcomes.

Curriculum alignment at GESA is not a one-time endeavor; it is an ongoing process. Institutions are encouraged to continually review and update their curriculum to meet evolving educational needs and stay in line with emerging industry standards and best practices. By ensuring that curriculum alignment is an integral part of an institution's culture, GESA helps institutions not only achieve accreditation but also deliver education that remains relevant and impactful.

4. Faculty Development
Faculty are the heart of any educational institution, and their expertise and dedication are paramount to achieving educational excellence. GESA recognizes that faculty development is a critical aspect of accreditation. We work with institutions to design and implement faculty development programs that foster continuous professional growth and promote the highest standards of teaching and research.

Faculty development at GESA is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we tailor our programs to the unique needs and goals of each institution. This might involve addressing areas such as pedagogy, curriculum design, research skills, and technology integration. Our faculty development initiatives provide faculty members with the tools, resources, and support they need to excel in their roles and contribute to the institution's mission.


At GESA, we emphasize the importance of a culture of lifelong learning among faculty. This not only enhances the quality of education but also ensures that institutions have a dedicated and motivated team ready to tackle the demands of the accreditation process and beyond.

Lunch Time
In a Meeting

5. Mock Accreditation Visits
Preparing for an actual accreditation visit can be an anxiety-inducing experience. To ease this process, GESA offers mock accreditation visits, which serve as invaluable practice runs. These simulated accreditation assessments help institutions gain a clear understanding of what to expect during the actual accreditation visit and identify areas that require improvement.

During a mock accreditation visit, GESA's experienced consultants closely replicate the procedures of an actual accreditation team. They conduct thorough reviews of documentation, engage in interviews with stakeholders, and provide feedback and recommendations. This practice helps institutions fine-tune their self-studies and overall readiness.

Through mock accreditation visits, institutions build confidence and familiarity with the accreditation process. GESA's consultants work closely with institutions to ensure that they are well-prepared and that any potential challenges are addressed before the actual visit, leading to a smoother and more successful accreditation experience.

6. Leadership Training
Effective leadership is fundamental to an institution's success and its ability to meet accreditation requirements. GESA offers
leadership training programs that empower administrators, board members, and faculty leaders to guide their institutions through the accreditation process and beyond.

Leadership training at GESA is not limited to basic governance
principles but encompasses a wide range of areas, including strategic planning, decision-making, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. We understand that leaders play a pivotal role in shaping an institution's future, and we ensure they are well-equipped to lead with vision, purpose, and strategic thinking.

Leadership training programs at GESA are customized to suit the specific needs of each institution. Whether it's addressing issues related to governance, leadership transitions, or aligning leadership goals with the institution's mission, our programs empower leaders to navigate the complexities of the accreditation process and guide their institutions towards enduring success.

7. Continuous Improvement
At GESA, we firmly believe that continuous improvement is the cornerstone of educational excellence. The journey toward accreditation is not an endpoint but a stepping stone to ongoing enhancement. Institutions that embrace continuous improvement are more likely to not only meet accreditation requirements but to thrive in a rapidly evolving educational landscape.

GESA assists institutions in developing a culture of continuous improvement that extends beyond the accreditation process. This involves a commitment to ongoing data collection, analysis, and action planning. We help institutions implement meaningful changes and innovations that enhance the overall quality of education and operational efficiency.

Continuous improvement at GESA is not a one-time initiative; it's an ongoing process that permeates every aspect of institutional life. We encourage institutions to stay updated on best practices, incorporate feedback from stakeholders, and make data-driven decisions. This commitment to continuous improvement becomes ingrained in an institution's culture, benefiting both the institution and its students.

8. Accreditation Process Guidance
The accreditation process can be intricate and demanding, requiring careful planning and execution. GESA provides comprehensive guidance to institutions throughout the accreditation journey. Our experts offer step-by-step assistance, from initial planning and self-study preparation to the final accreditation visit and post-accreditation actions.

GESA starts by helping institutions create detailed timelines and identify key milestones. We ensure that institutions understand the critical phases of the accreditation process and the responsibilities associated with each. This clarity aids in managing resources, setting priorities, and preventing last-minute scrambling.

Throughout the accreditation process, GESA remains a reliable partner, offering insights and expertise. We assist institutions in conducting periodic check-ins and reviews to ensure they remain on track.

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